package fourier; import java.util.Vector; import util.*; /**

Class supporting a somewhat faster discrete Fourier transform (DFT)

In the DFT equation below the sine and cosine values are independent of the signal values, x[n].

   /   x[n](cos((2Pi*n*m)/N) - j*sin((2Pi*n*m)/N))
   n= 0

This class calculates the initial sine and cosine values for cos((2Pi*n)/N), sin((2Pi*n)/N), where m = 1. All other sine and cosine values used in the DFT are strides within the vector of these values.

Calculation of sine and cosine values is an expensive operation. By precomputing these values, they are calculated N times, rather than N2 times. This reduces the O in the ON2 time complexity of the DFT.

*/ public class fasterdft { private int N; // number of "points" in the DFT private Vector data; // Data on which the DFT is performed, // set up in constructor private double[] sine; private double[] cosine; /** Calculate the base vectors of sine and cosine values. All other sine and cosine values used in the DFT are strides within these vectors. */ private void sineCosineInit() { final double twoPi = 2 * Math.PI; sine = new double[ N ]; cosine = new double[ N ]; for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { double scale = (twoPi * n)/N; cosine[n] = Math.cos( scale ); sine[n] = Math.sin( scale ); } } /** Faster Discreat Fourier Transform constructor

The dft constructor is initialized with a Vector of Java point objects.

Based on the size of the DFT (the number of "points") the constructor also calculates the initial vector of sine and cosine values. This reduces calculating the sine and cosine values to N, rather than N2.

*/ public fasterdft( Vector d ) { N = 0; data = null; if (d != null) { int len = d.size(); if (len > 0) { // check to see if its a Vector of "point" point p = (point)d.elementAt( 0 ); // the Vector length is > 0 && the type is correct N = len; data = d; sineCosineInit(); } } } // fasterdft constructor /** Return the dft point at m

The DFT algorith is an N2 algorithm. For a DFT point at m, there are O(N) calculations. The basic DFT equation for calculating the DFT point m is shown below. In this equation our data values are stored in the array "x". X[n] is one element of this array. "j" is the sqrt(-1) a.k.a the imaginary number i.

   /   x[n](cos((2Pi*n*m)/N) - j*sin((2Pi*n*m)/N))
   n= 0

This version of the DFT algorithm uses precomputed values for sine and cosine.

This calculation returns a complex value, with a real part calculated from the cosine part of the equation and the imaginary part calculated from the sine part of the equation.

*/ public complex dftPoint( int m ) { complex cx = new complex(0.0f,0.0f); if (m >= 0 && m < N) { double R = 0.0; double I = 0.0; // At m == 0 the DFT reduces to the sum of the data if (m == 0) { point p; for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { p = (point)data.elementAt( n ); R = R + p.y; } // for } else { double x; double scale; point p; for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { p = (point)data.elementAt( n ); x = p.y; int index = (n * m) % N; double c = cosine[ index ]; double s = sine[ index ]; R = R + x * c; I = I - x * s; } // for } // else cx.real( (float)R ); cx.imag( (float)I ); } System.out.println(); return cx; } // dftPoint } // class dft